Friday 14 January 2011



For my film I only need one person for my cast so it should be an easy job. I wanted someone with a distinctive run and that looks a bit aggressive, he needs to be slighty stocky and around 20 - 25. I thought the perfect candidate was actually my brother and after a long think i decided to go with him as the murderer and the one chasing the Damien.

Filming Style

In my teaser trailer I want to get the sense of a chase that stretches over a course of long winding alley ways and paths. As I don't know any system of alley ways in my area I will have to shoot one sequence and then edit it to make it look like it connects to another. So I tried to find videos that had a clever continuity aspect to it this is what I found. The person filming has got certain shots from certain angles so that it looks like it is just one sequence and he is following him the skater.

I also wanted to film from the person getting chased point of view, I feel that will engage the veiwer more and make it more exciting to watch. I also think it will create tension as it draws you in. As the chase is on he would keep looking back so you can also see the chaser. Not all of the film would be film like this. Some will be long shots to get a sense of vulnerability.

Independent films

I have come to the decision that my film will be from a independent company which I will name,Entourage Films. Here i have researched a few independent film companies to see what kind of film they produce and just general background information on the industry.

Caravan films have been around since 1984 and have produced film such as Flip A Coin, Night Bus 8 07 and Summertime.

Film4 launched in 1998 and since then have produced many successful feature length films such as This Is England, Dead Mans Shoes and Whats Eating Gilbert Grape.